Jade Jordan oozing hot Sexuality 101

Jade Jordan is not new to the industry but she is new to working in a spa in Edmonton. She is at https://eliteretreatedmonton.com/ She started there the first of June of this year and quickly building a great client list. Her main shifts are Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday and will pick up extra shifts through […]
Lexie Marie Elite Victoria Companion

Lexie Marie Elite Victoria Comapanion and is someone you have to see if you are visiting or even living there. Lexie is a beautiful landscape all her own. What do I mean well think of it this way the gorgeous mountains and then down to the Valley. there is no place you will not want […]
Ms Emily Rushton your Sweetest Girlfriend

Ms Emily Rushton is from Saint John New Brunswick and goes to Toronto, Ottawa, Halifax, Saskatoon , London and Sarnia it is probably easier to list cities that Emily does not go to. She seems to be always in a different place from One end of Canada to the other. The cities above are just […]
Mess of Gorgeous Chaos Baylee Shots

Mess of Gorgeous Chaos Baylee Shots, a gypsy at heart and has indulged in the Taboo world in many different ways. She has seen things on so many different levels. Saying her life style is unique may just be an under statement. Heard there is so much insatiable such.. like Gypsy Travels, and then the […]
Cassia your Ultimate Dream

This gorgeous lady has been on discreetlist.ca for the last couple of years and is in Vancouver. She may be based there but you can fly her to you. She offers an authentic an passionate girlfriend experience with PSE tendencies. She is slim and thick with a cute butt, with her exotic green eyes and […]
Touch of a Discreet Male Escort

Halifax Touch is a Male working in a profession dominated by women. His services range from Cuddling, Erotic, Gentle, and Touch Therapy . There is also the Discreet Intimate and Sexual Encounters. His services are available to everyone. He offers a safe and relaxing environment for you to enjoy your time together. He does not […]